The Street Gallery project is designed to brighten city streetscapes, enhance community pride, and create new opportunities for Louisville-based artists by covering the traffic control boxes found at each intersection with fun and interesting pieces of art. Much like the Alley Gallery project, Street Gallery will use the same popular technique of reproducing existing artwork on vinyl wrap to give new life to the unsightly traffic control boxes.
Louisville Downtown Partnership is accepting submissions for artwork to be displayed on several traffic control boxes throughout Downtown Louisville. Local artists are invited to submit images for this project.
If you are an artist interested in learning more or participating in the Street Gallery Program, please review and complete the Street Gallery Call for Art. If you are an individual or business interested in sponsoring one or more signal boxes, please contact LDP at (502) 584-6000.

“Glow”, Keith Auerbach
Northwest corner of 7th and Jefferson Streets

“Hullabaloo”, Kayla Bischoff
Northwest corner of 6th and Jefferson Streets

“Out of The Gate”, Brittany Rice
Sponsored by Doug Owen, JLL
Southeast corner of 4th and Market Streets

“Variation on a Winter Sunset”, Valerie Timmons
Sponsored by Derby City Gaming
Southwest corner of 3rd and Market Streets

“Field of Dreams”, Connie Sandusky
Sponsored by Monticello Banking Company
Southeast corner of 2nd and Main Streets