Director's Take

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Downtown Strategy


Dear Friend of Downtown,

400 of you showed up for Downtown yesterday, as Louisville Downtown Partnership put on its first State of the Downtown in five years and unveiled the new ten-year Downtown Strategy, laying out the community’s vision of what we want our Downtown to look and feel like.

And boy, did you guys bring the energy!

We shared the increase in property values and investment over the last four years and the strong tourism numbers that are better than pre-COVID and are making up for the lack of workers back in the office. And how it’s time to stop comparing ourselves to 2019… because we are beyond it! and ahead of it!

There is currently $1.5 billion of investment either underway or announced, which is double the number from 2019, showing the strong belief and confidence that attractions, hoteliers, investors, and business owners have in Downtown.

We are on track for a stupendous 2024, with new projects on the horizon, and with a new long-term strategy that outlines strategic initiatives which will transform our public spaces and pedestrian activity. We will work to Activate Downtown; Reinforce Downtown as a Residential Neighborhood; and Enhance the Public Realm.

Join in the fun and help make your Downtown the best it can be… by becoming a Friend of Downtown if you’re not already, and by bringing friends downtown and taking advantage of the sports, music, food, and bourbon scenes all around.

It does take all of us.

Click here to watch the Downtown Strategy video and read the Executive Summary or full report.

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