February Newsletter – Your Business Improvement District at Work

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February Newsletter Stakeholder BID News

Publication Date: 02-28-2022

Dear Downtown Stakeholder, 

I am thrilled to be the new Executive Director at LDP! I have joined this organization at a pivotal moment for Downtown and am excited for the opportunities ahead. As we continue to live with COVID, my hope is that Downtown is where we can continue to come together as the business, social, and cultural hub of our hometown. My priorities are in three areas – placemaking, additional housing, and spreading optimism – to help build vibrancy for all, no matter where you live, what you look like, or who you love. Downtown is everyone’s neighborhood. I hope to see you here soon.

Rebecca Fleischaker

Executive Director
Louisville Downtown Partnership
(502) 584-6000 / (502) 625-4125
315 Guthrie St, Ste 300
Louisville, KY 40202

LDMD Operations Summary

As we look forward to the return of our office workforce and continued revitalization of Downtown in 2022, we wanted to provide a summary of your Business Improvement District’s accomplishments in 2021.

Despite the ongoing disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, the District and Downtown Louisville continued on the path towards revitalization and the vision of building a neighborhood that is open and welcoming for everyone.

Read More Here

Message from LMPD Downtown Area Patrol

Everyone loves good news, don’t they? A question we get a lot is: Is Downtown safe? Yes, it is! And it’s not just simply because of the Downtown businesses and what they have to offer as well as the amazing men and women who safeguard these places for us. In the 1st Division:

  • All violent crime is down 34%
  • Property crime is down 16%

When you drill down to just the Central Business District, LMPD reporting from 2021 shows that all crime in Downtown makes up 3.9% of the county total, which includes littering to murder. Officers are visible and ready to work to keep your employees and your customers safe.

Do help your tenants and employees decrease the chance they are not a victim of property crime. Remember to not keep valuable things, such as purses and handguns in your vehicles. The biggest share of crime in Downtown is opportunistic because of unlocked or even running cars. Be smart! Lock your doors, take your valuables and always be aware of your surroundings.

The 1st Division is here to serve you. Any questions or concerns, please contact christina.beaven@louisvilleky.gov, or 502.574.7167. Call 911 for emergencies.

Restaurant and Business Announcements:

  • TQL Expansion, 100 new jobs
  • Adorn Bridal, 629 E. Market
  • Noble Funk Brewery, 922 S. Second
  • Wiltshire Bakery & CafĂ©, 605 W. Main
  • All Thai’d Up, 211 S. 5th Street
  • Barrels & Billets, 800 W. Main St
  • GuacaMole Cocina Mexicana, 900 E. Market St.

Coming Soon:

  • Backside at Whiskey Row, 108 W. Washington St
  • Biscuit Lounge, 120 S. 10th St
  • Louisville Comedy Club, 110 W. Main St
  • Southern Restaurant & Lounge, 301 W. Market St