Wednesday, July 19
12:30 – 2:00pm
Our public engagement continues for the new ten-year Downtown Louisville Strategic Plan – please join us for this virtual panel in which we will hear how downtowns across the country are dealing with the health – and futures – of their downtowns in light of the impacts of the pandemic and new ways that downtowns are functioning.
Downtowns that wish to remain active, vibrant, and economically healthy will need to recognize these changes and adapt to them, which require new ways of thinking about their look, their feel, their mix of uses, and their role as the heart of the community.
We have assembled a remarkable panel of nationally renowned urbanists to kick off this series and provide an overview of the state of downtowns, addressing both the challenges that we all face as well as new opportunities that have arisen in response to these changing conditions.
David Downey, President and CEO of the International Downtown Association (IDA), the largest professional association of downtowns in the nation
Mallory Baches, President of the Congress of New Urbanism (CNU), the nation’s most distinguished assembly of urban thinkers
Laurie Volk, Principal of Zimmerman-Volk Associates, the foremost analyst of urban residential markets in the country
James Lima, Principal of James Lima Planning + Development, a firm advising and guiding communities across North America on high impact place-based initiatives
Please register for the panel discussion at this link:,JVtcokW1u0u5SgsXLlqAUw,bRZvquv2g0m6TxL-VO1dkg,c7W2-_K_0kWFCYgnjjZhdQ,x2cwxkTnvk-DBu6kJhRn6w,zQGxkNN7wEm77F5xsqE1kg?mode=read&tenantId=c009293f-e83f-49cb-8b33-2d20226e2033.