Louisville Bats Vs Indianapolis - Independence Day Celebration and Fireworks at Louisville Slugger Field...
Start Date: Jul 3rd, 2023
Date Details: Jul 3, 2023 at 7:05 pm EDT
End Date: Jul 3rd, 2023
Ages: all
Louisville Bats Vs Indianapolis
Independence Day Celebration
About Louisville Slugger Field:
The Louisville Bats Stadium seats over 13,000 and was built on the banks of the Ohio River, within one block of the Waterfront Park. A key designs feature is the integration of an historic rail freight depot in the over all project. Retaining and restoring the depot in the late 1800’s, is a vital component of the new stadium.
Venue Link: Louisville Slugger Field
Map Address: 401 East Main Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Event Tag: Sports, Family, Community, Food, Fitness, Entertainment,
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