Alley Gallery
Alley Gallery is an outdoor art exhibit throughout Downtown that breathes new life into alleyways and back-of-the-building metal doors by recovering them with the work of local artists. Although essential to almost every building, back-alley doors are often an eyesore. The Alley Gallery project aims to beautify streetscapes and enhance community pride with colorful art pieces.
Alley Gallery Map Link
Alley Gallery IDA 2018 Powerpoint Presentation
Kentucky Medal of Honor Memorial
- Artist:Doyle Glass
- Site:Louisville Metro Hall
- Sponsor:Jefferson County Government
- Medium:cast bronze
- Location:527 West Jefferson Street
- Artist:Matthew Weir
- Site:First & Main Garage
- Sponsor:Louisville Downtown Management District
- Medium:limestone
- Location:100 West Main Street
Finial Spire
- Artist:Raymond Graf
- Site:Actors Theatre Garage
- Sponsor:Actors Theatre of Louisville
- Medium:aluminium, stainless steel, bronze, gold-leafed
- Location:316 West Main Street
Louisville Windchime Gateway
- Artist:Gregory P. Strodt/Jasper D. Ward
- Sponsor:Louisville Metro Government
- Medium:aluminum tubes & steel frame
- Location:117 South 7th Street
- Artist:Serkan Ozkaya
- Site:21C Hotel Museum
- Sponsor:Steve & Laura Lee Wilson
- Medium:fiberglass & gold spray paint
- Location:700 West Main Street
Cloud Rings
- Artist:Ned Kahn
- Site:21C Hotel Museum
- Medium:metal & steam
- Location:108 South 7th Street
Red Penguins
- Artist:Cracking Art
- Site:21C Hotel Museum
- Location:700 West Main Street
The Big Bat
- Artist:Claes Oldenburg
- Site:Louisville Slugger Museum
- Medium:painted carbon steel
- Location:800 West Main Street
Sons of Liberty
- Artist:James Muir
- Site:National Society Sons of the American Revolution
- Sponsor:Compatriots of Philadelphia Continental Chapter
- Medium:cast bronze/limestone base
- Location:805 West Main Street
Harold Henry “Pee Wee” Reese
- Artist:Raymond Graf
- Site:Louisville Slugger Field
- Sponsor:Gift to the Louisville Slugger Field by Jim Morrissey
- Medium:cast bronze/limestone base
- Location:401 East Main Street, south plaza
Paul Vernon Hornung “The Golden Boy”
- Artist:Raymond Graf
- Site:Louisville Slugger Field
- Sponsor:Donated by Friends of Paul Hornung
- Medium:cast bronze
- Location:Preston & Witherspoon
David Jones, Sr.
- Artist:Ed Hamilton
- Site:Belknap Park
- Sponsor:Humana Inc.
- Medium:cast bronze
- Location:101 East Washington Street
The Troll
- Site:Whiskey Row Lofts
- Location:150 W. Washington St.
Bridges Pedway
- Artist:Kenneth von Roenn, Jr.
- Site:West Main Street
- Sponsor:Louisville/Jefferson County Metro
- Medium:glass & steel
- Location:300 block West Main Street
Alton J. Schneider
- Artist:Raymond Graf
- Site:Galt House Hotel & Suites
- Sponsor:family of Alton J. Schneider
- Medium:cast bronze
The Red Feather
- Artist:Alexander Calder
- Site:Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts
- Sponsor:Gift of the Mary & Barry Bingham, Sr. Fund & The Humana Foundation
- Medium:black & red painted steel
- Location:501 West Main Street (south plaza)
York Monument
- Artist:Ed Hamilton
- Site:Riverfront Plaza/Belvedere
- Sponsor:Louisville/Jefferson County Metro
- Medium:cast bronze sculpture/stone base
- Location:485 West Main Street
- Artist:Charles O. Perry
- Site:Waterfront Park Overlook
- Sponsor:Gift to the City of Louisville to honor the 85th birthday of Sara Shallenberger Brown by her children
- Medium:cast bronze sculpture/granite base
- Location:200 block East Witherspoon Street
George Rogers Clark
- Artist:Felix W. de Weldon
- Site:Riverfront Plaza/Belvedere
- Sponsor:A gift to the people of Louisville by the Hillman-Hopkins Family.
- Medium:cast bronze sculpture/polished marble with gold leaf
- Location:485 West Main Street
Fort Nelson Monument
- Artist:unknown
- Site:Fort Nelson Park
- Sponsor:The National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Kentucky 1924
- Medium:granite with bronze tablet marker
- Location:705 West Main Street
Mayor Charles P. Farnsley
- Artist:Dawn D. Yates
- Site:Fund for the Arts
- Sponsor:Louisville Metro Government
- Medium:cast bronze
- Location:623 West Main Street
Plaza Fountain
- Artist:Kenneth von Roenn, Jr.
- Site:Muhammad Ali Center Plaza
- Medium:glass
- Location:144 North 6th Street
Breakfast with Tesla and the Enola Gay
- Artist:Cork Marcheschi
- Site:Kentucky Science Center
- Sponsor:Louisville Metro Government
- Medium:painted stainless steel, plastic & neon/steel base
- Location:727 West Main Street
Louisville Slugger Walk of Fame
- Site:Main Street Corridor
- Sponsor:Hillerich & Bradsby Co.
- Medium:cast bronze
- Location:Main Street between Ninth to Jackson
Louisville Knot
- Artist:ISA/Core Design
- Site:9th Street Underpass
- Sponsor:Louisville Metro Government
- Medium:painted steel tubes
- Location:900 block West Main Street
The Flock of Finns
- Artist:Marvin Finn
- Site:Waterfront Park
- Medium:painted metal
- Location:Preston & WItherspoon
- Artist:Tony Smith
- Site:Waterfront Park
- Sponsor:Gift of Humana Foundation to Wendell Cherry, past Chair of the Kentucky Center
- Medium:black painted steel
- Location:200 block East Witherspoon Street
Frederick Douglass
- Artist:Chimel Ford
- Site:Scoop Theatre Building
- Sponsor:Legal Aid Society
- Location:416 West Muhammad Ali Boulevard
- Location Description:rear door off of alley, south side of building
- Artist:Keith Auerbach
- Sponsor:Louisville Downtown Partnership
- Location:Jefferson & 7th
- Location Description:Northwest corner
- Artist:Kayla Bischoff
- Sponsor:LDP
- Location:Jefferson & 6th
- Location Description:Northwest corner
Out of the Gate
- Artist:Brittany Rice
- Sponsor:Doug Owen
- Location:Market & 4th
- Location Description:Southeast corner
Variation on Winter Sunset
- Artist:Valerie Timmons
- Sponsor:Derby City Gaming Downtown
- Location:Market & 3rd
- Location Description:Southwest corner
Field of Dreams
- Artist:Connie Sandusky
- Sponsor:MBC Bank
- Location:Main & 2nd
- Location Description:southeast corner
Floyd’s Fork
- Artist:Susan Brooks
- Site:Metro Development Center
- Sponsor:Louisville Metro Government
- Location:444 South 5th Street
- Location Description:rear door fronting Armory Place
A View of the Ohio River
- Artist:Lynn Dunbar
- Site:Metro Development Center
- Sponsor:Louisville Metro Government
- Location:444 South 5th Street
- Location Description:rear door fronting Armory Place
- Artist:Keith Auerbach
- Site:Louisville Public Media
- Sponsor:Louisville Public Media
- Location:619 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:alley, rear door to building
Full Bloom
- Artist:Connie Sandusky
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:411 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, rear alley, east side of building
Hound Dog
- Artist:Carla Terwilleger
- Site:Aloft Louisville Downtown
- Sponsor:Aloft Louisville Downtown
- Location:102 West Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:Main Street door
IPF Warrior
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Site:YMCA
- Sponsor:Alley Gallery Fund
- Location:555 South 2nd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Brick shed door, southeast corner of property
- Artist:Sabra Lynne Crockett
- Site:Place Montpellier
- Location:471 West Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:Along Place Montpellier at Fifth & Main
- Artist:Robert Leo Jones
- Site:600 West Main
- Sponsor:Main Street Association
- Location:600 West Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:east side of building along 6th Street
Horizon Watch
- Artist:Angie Reed Garner
- Site:American Life Building
- Location:471 West Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:Along Place Montpellier at Fifth & Main
Racing Wind 4
- Artist:Dru Pilmer
- Site:YMCA Garage
- Sponsor:Jessica Piasta
- Location:545 South 2nd Street, 40202
- Location Description:South side, exterior door
- Artist:Chris Chappell
- Site:Starks Garage
- Sponsor:Riverside Parking
- Location:430 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, in alley, west side
- Artist:JD Dotson Freels
- Site:Jefferson Centre Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:115 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior double doors, 1st level
Storm Comin’
- Artist:Denise Mucci Furnish
- Site:Jefferson Centre Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:115 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior double doors, 1st level
Melissa’s Interior
- Artist:Charlotte Pollock
- Site:6th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:120 South 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
Suburb by Sunset
- Artist:Andrea Alonso
- Site:Starks Garage
- Sponsor:Riverside Parking
- Location:430 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, in alley, northwest corner
We Are What We Were
- Artist:Margaret Archambault
- Site:Jefferson Centre Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:115 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior double doors, 1st level
Tempting a Chasm
- Artist:Richard Chase
- Site:Market Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:542 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior doors, north side of garage
Old Fashioned New
- Artist:MJ Kinman
- Site:Market Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:542 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, northeast corner
Recycled Skateboards
- Artist:Jeremy Vessels
- Site:Jefferson Centre Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:115 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior double doors, 1st level
Horses at the Brown
- Artist:Google Image
- Site:The Brown Hotel
- Sponsor:The Brown Hotel
- Location:335 West Broadway, 40202
- Location Description:north side, in alley off of 4th Street
The Greatest
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:1st & Main Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:100 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
I Am Home
- Artist:Connie Sandusky
- Site:Jefferson Centre Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:115 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, west side of garage
White Castle Girl
- Artist:Robert Leo Jones
- Site:5th Street Garage
- Sponsor:Alley Gallery Fund
- Location:632 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Inset between Bisig Building & 5th Street Garage
March 29, 5pm
- Artist:Charlotte Pollock
- Site:Seelbach Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:523 South 5th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
The Beautiful Changes
- Artist:Victor Troutman
- Site:Seelbach Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:523 South 5th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Watchful Eye
- Artist:Casey McKinney
- Site:Gardens Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:415 South 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Ride Along
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, south side facing Liberty Street
Rusted Door
- Artist:Deborah Brownstein
- Site:LG&E Utility Building
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:414 Armory Place
- Location Description:Exterior door
The Angels Caw
- Artist:Jinn Bug
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, south side facing Liberty Street
They Went Thatta Way!
- Artist:Tom Cannady
- Site:Glassworks Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:838 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Main Street
- Artist:Debra Lott
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, south side facing Liberty Street
Stodgy Suburbia
- Artist:Michael Victor Troutman
- Site:5th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:630 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, north side of garage in alley
Nice People
- Artist:David Walinski
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, south side facing Liberty Street
- Artist:Joyce Garner
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, east side facing 2nd Street
She Has Eyes
- Artist:Scott Hile
- Site:Riverfront Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:141 North 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, south side near Fourth St. exit on 3rd level
- Artist:Laurie Blayney
- Site:Muhammad Ali Center Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:144 North 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, on parking exit booth 3rd level
Juergen K. Tossmann
- Artist:Andrew McMurtrie
- Site:Clay Commons Garage
- Sponsor:Hilton Garden Inn
- Location:350 West Chestnut Street, 40202
- Location Description:door facing 4th Street
Jazz on the River
- Artist:Eugene Thomas
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, east side facing 2nd Street
Jacobs Ladder
- Artist:Michael Winters
- Site:Advocacy Garage
- Sponsor:Riverside Parking
- Location:701 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, southeast corner
Lonnie’s Lincoln
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:MSD Pump House
- Sponsor:MSD
- Location:315 Bingham Way, 40202
- Location Description:south side left door
Sacred Waters
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Site:Louisville Water Co.
- Sponsor:Louisville Water Company
- Location:550 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Door, south side of building
Single #10
- Artist:Keith Auerbach
- Site:Hyatt Regency
- Sponsor:Hyatt Regency Louisville
- Location:320 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior doors, north side of building along Jefferson
Harper-Eclipse, 2107
- Artist:Andrew McMurtrie
- Sponsor:Drs Vance & Stovall Optometry
- Location:120 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:Rear door off of alley, south side of building
I’ve Got Your Back
- Artist:Debra Lott
- Site:1st & Main Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:100 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
Palace Louis
- Artist:Ashley Brossart
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, north side facing Jefferson Street
Unparalleled Beauty
- Artist:Debra Lott
- Site:Hyatt Regency
- Sponsor:Hyatt Regency Louisville
- Location:320 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Liberty St. between 3rd and 4th
- Artist:Steve Squall
- Site:5th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:630 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Girls Rule
- Artist:Jacque Parsley
- Site:Hyatt Regency
- Sponsor:Hyatt Regency Louisville
- Location:320 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior doors, south side of building along Liberty
Taking the Lead
- Artist:Connie Sandusky
- Site:Commonwealth Garage
- Location:3rd & Jefferson
- Location Description:Exterior wall along 3rd Street at Jefferson Street
Night in River City
- Artist:Anne F. Hayes
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:411 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, rear alley, east side of building
The Blues
- Artist:Larry Morgan
- Site:5th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:630 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Inside the Box
- Artist:Andrea Alonso
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:411 South 4th Street
- Location Description:Exterior door, rear alley, east side of building
Louisville Lip
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:Commonwealth Garage
- Location:3rd & Jefferson, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior wall along 3rd Street at Jefferson Street
- Artist:Angie Reed Garner
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:411 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, rear alley, east side of building
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Site:Mercury Ballroom
- Sponsor:Mercury Ballroom/Live Nation
- Location:611 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:alley off of 4th Street at the ticket window
Yellow Walk
- Artist:Ewa Perz
- Site:Place Montpellier
- Location:471 West Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:Along Place Montpellier at Fifth & Main
South 4th Palace
- Artist:Ashley Brossart
- Site:Palace Theater
- Sponsor:Louisville Palace Theatre/Live Nation
- Location:625 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side, rear alley
Sax Player
- Artist:Andrew McMurtrie
- Site:Palace Theater
- Sponsor:Louisville Palace Theatre/Live Nation
- Location:625 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side, rear alley
Solidarity 2017
- Artist:Jinn Bug
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:411 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, east entrance to 401 South 4 Building
Slot Canyon
- Artist:Virginia Peck
- Site:Brown Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:658 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
The Voice
- Artist:Kacy Jackson
- Site:Palace Theater
- Sponsor:Louisville Palace Theatre/Live Nation
- Location:625 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side, rear alley
Playing to the Sheep
- Artist:Tiffany Ackerman
- Site:Palace Theater
- Sponsor:Louisville Palace Theatre/Live Nation
- Location:625 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side, rear alley
Story Doors
- Artist:JD Dotson Freels
- Site:Palace Theater
- Sponsor:Louisville Palace Theatre/Live Nation
- Location:621 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side, rear alley
Purple Reign
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:Palace Theater
- Sponsor:Louisville Palace Theatre/Live Nation
- Location:621 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side, rear alley
- Artist:Kindred employees
- Site:Scion Health
- Sponsor:Scion Health
- Location:680 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:west end of alley along plaza, west of 4th Street
- Artist:Tom Cannady
- Site:Market Square
- Sponsor:Mulloy Commercial Real Estate
- Location:205 South 5th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Door on 5th St. just south of Market
Thunder Air Show
- Artist:Andrew McMurtrie
- Site:Market Square
- Sponsor:Mulloy Commercial Real Estate
- Location:205 South 5th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Door on 5th St. just south of Market
Louisville Legend
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Sponsor:DKH Properties, Inc.
- Location:100 East Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side of 1st, south of Market
Night Travelers
- Artist:Andrea Alonso
- Site:Market Square
- Sponsor:Mulloy Commercial Real Estate
- Location:205 South 5th Street
- Location Description:Door on 5th St. just south of Market
The People’s Champ
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Sponsor:DKH Properties, Inc.
- Location:100 East Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:East side of 1st, south of Market
The World’s Strongest Man
- Artist:Tiffany Ackerman
- Site:Henry Clay
- Sponsor:Weyland Ventures
- Location:604 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:West side access to garage
The Trash Panda
- Artist:Lisa Austin
- Site:Henry Clay
- Sponsor:Weyland Ventures
- Location:604 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:West side access to garage
Santa’s Sled
- Artist:Tom Cannady
- Site:Corporate Plaza Garage
- Sponsor:Bradford Allen Management Service
- Location:209 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:South side along Market St.
Urban Bourbon
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:OMNI Hotel
- Sponsor:Omni Louisville Hotel
- Location:400 South 2nd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Private alley south side of hotel
The Aging Process
- Artist:Greg Hojnacki
- Site:OMNI Hotel
- Sponsor:Omni Louisville Hotel
- Location:400 South 2nd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Private alley south side of hotel
Where Bees Fly Drunk, Intoxicated by You (Tu Fu)
- Artist:Charlotte Pollock
- Site:4th Street Live! Garage
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:425 South 5th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Cathedral Alley door, south side of garage
I, Robot
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:Louisville Public Media
- Sponsor:Alley Gallery Fund
- Location:619 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Door on north side of building in alley
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Site:Brown Hotel
- Sponsor:The Brown Hotel
- Location:335 West Broadway, 40202
- Location Description:north side in alley off of 4th Street
Door with Windows
- Artist:Judith Tingley
- Site:Market Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:542 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, west side exit
- Artist:Kacy Jackson
- Site:Muhammad Ali Center Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:144 North 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 3rd level
Digital Peacock
- Artist:Chris Chappell
- Site:Jefferson Centre Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:115 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, west side of garage
Every Star a Sun
- Artist:Angie Reed Garner
- Site:Gardens Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:415 South 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Existential Discovery
- Artist:Andrew McCauley
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, south side facing Liberty Street
Encoustic Cosmos
- Artist:Connie L. Vice
- Site:Glassworks Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:838 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Fire and Ice
- Artist:MJ Kinman
- Site:Bandy Carroll Heillge Building
- Sponsor:Bandy Carroll Hellige
- Location:307 West Muhammad Ali Boulevard, 40202
- Location Description:Rear off of Post Office Alley
Florence City
- Artist:John Fitzgerald
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:NAI Fortis Group
- Location:Cathedral Way
- Location Description:Alley off of Muhammad Ali
Frieda and Friend
- Artist:Jacque Parsley
- Sponsor:Alley Gallery Fund
- Location:558 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Rear door in alley
Muhammad Ali vs. Young
- Artist:Richard Sullivan
- Site:Muhammad Ali Center Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:144 North 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 3rd level
Allow Yourself Shameless Shine
- Artist:Brianna Harlan
- Site:Muhammad Ali Center Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:144 North 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 3rd level
Before Teatime
- Artist:Keith Auerbach
- Site:YMCA
- Sponsor:Alley Gallery Fund
- Location:555 South 2nd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Northwest corner of building
Collective Consciousness
- Artist:Eugene Thomas
- Site:Clay Commons Garage
- Sponsor:Mercury Ballroom/Live Nation
- Location:324 West Chestnut Street, 40202
- Location Description:1st level rear near alley
Alias Cosmic Butterfly
- Artist:Scott Scarboro
- Site:Clay Commons Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:324 West Chestnut Street, 40202
- Location Description:South side of garage along rear alley
BuBBLe Gum BaLLz
- Artist:Michael Victor Troutman
- Site:Clay Commons Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:324 West Chestnut Street, 40202
- Location Description:South side of garage along rear alley
Belle in Lead
- Artist:Lynn Dunbar
- Site:Commonwealth Garage
- Sponsor:Louisville Tourism
- Location:Third & Jefferson
- Location Description:Exterior wall along 3rd Street at Jefferson Street
- Artist:Virginia Peck
- Site:Billy Goat
- Sponsor:Campisano Capital
- Location:600 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:North side of building
Bot Family
- Artist:Scott Scarboro
- Site:5th Street Garage
- Sponsor:Alley Gallery Fund
- Location:630 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exaust vent along north alley
Amused One
- Artist:Casey McKinney
- Site:Whiskey Row Lofts
- Sponsor:Mulloy Commercial Real Estate
- Location:127-131 West Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:West side of building
80’s Lady
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:Riverfront Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:141 North 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, south side near Fourth St. exit on 3rd level
Baby Blocks
- Artist:Tom Pfannerstill
- Site:Glassworks Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:838 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
- Artist:Dru Pilmer
- Site:5th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:630 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
- Artist:Geoff Carr
- Site:5th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:630 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
Color Wave
- Artist:Chris Chappell
- Site:Seelbach Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:523 South 5th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior door, 1st level
An Hour and 15 Minutes to Go
- Artist:David Walinski
- Site:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Sponsor:Louisville Marriott Downtown
- Location:280 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, east side facing 2nd Street
- Artist:Andy Perez
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:411 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, rear alley, east side of building
Bases Loaded
- Artist:Victor Sweatt
- Site:4th Street Live!
- Sponsor:4th Street Live!
- Location:411 South 4th Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, rear alley, east side of building
- Artist:Ashley Brossart
- Site:Advocacy Garage
- Sponsor:Riverside Parking
- Location:701 Wst Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, northeast corner
- Artist:Howard Wilson
- Site:American Life Building
- Sponsor:Louisville Tourism/Visitor Center
- Location:471 West Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:Along Place Montpellier at Fifth & Main
Ali Angel
- Artist:Scott Scarboro
- Site:Jefferson Centre Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:115 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior double doors, 1st level
- Artist:Joyce Garner
- Site:Starks Garage
- Sponsor:Riverside Parking
- Location:430 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, in alley, west side
- Artist:Joyce Garner
- Site:Starks Garage
- Sponsor:Riverside Parking
- Location:430 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior door, in alley, west side
Charismatic and Field
- Artist:Richard Sullivan
- Site:Clay Commons Garage
- Sponsor:Hilton Garden Inn
- Location:350 West Chestnut Street, 40202
- Location Description:Interior double doors, 1st level
Conceptual Artist from Lexington
- Artist:Shayne Hull
- Site:Hyatt Regency
- Sponsor:Hyatt Regency Louisville
- Location:320 West Jefferson Street, 40202
- Location Description:Exterior doors, north side of building along Jefferson
- Artist:John Strizak
- Site:Clay Commons Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:324 West Chestnut Street, 40202
- Location Description:West side of garage by Mercury Ballroom entrance
Sunshine and the Yellowbelly
- Artist:Margaret Archambault
- Site:Mercantile Gallery Lofts
- Sponsor:Mercantile Gallery Lofts
- Location:121 South Floyd Street, 40202
- Location Description:along Floyd, mid-block between Main and Market
Mama Magnolia
- Artist:Charlotte Pollock
- Site:Fleur de Lis on Main
- Sponsor:Main Street Association
- Location:324 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:Main St. door, northwest corner of building
Busy Floaty
- Artist:Connie L. Vice
- Site:1st & Main Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:100 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
- Artist:Keith Auerbach
- Site:1st & Main Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:100 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
Morning Light
- Artist:Corie Neumayer
- Site:1st & Main Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:100 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
- Artist:Michael Victor Troutman
- Site:1st & Main Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:100 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
Kanye and Kim
- Artist:Andy Perez
- Site:1st & Main Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:100 East Main Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
- Artist:David Walinski
- Sponsor:Riverside Parking
- Location:109 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:exterior door of utility building, southeast corner of property
Near-Drawing Light
- Artist:Jinn Bug
- Site:Levy Building
- Sponsor:N/A
- Location:133 South 3rd Street, 40202
- Location Description:exterior door, northwest corner of building
- Artist:John Fitzgerald
- Site:PNC Tower Garage
- Sponsor:PNC Tower
- Location:101 South 5th Street, 40202
- Location Description:private alley south side of garage
Golden Ginkgo
- Artist:Sabra Lynne Crockett
- Site:6th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:120 South 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
Sunday Afternoon in October
- Artist:John Strizak
- Site:6th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:120 South 6th Street, 40202
- Location Description:interior door, 1st level
Today’s Woman
- Artist:Lonnie Walker
- Site:Homewood Suites
- Sponsor:Mulloy Commercial Real Estate
- Location:625 West Market Street, 40202
- Location Description:on corral at parking lot entrance
Ron Holmes
- Artist:Tom Cannady
- Site:8th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:120 South 8th Street, 40202
- Location Description:exterior door 9th Street side
Rule Change
- Artist:Joyce Garner
- Site:8th Street Garage
- Sponsor:PARC
- Location:120 South 8th Street, 40202
- Location Description:exterior door Ninth St. side
Run for the Roses
- Artist:Andy Perez
- Site:MSD Pump House
- Sponsor:MSD
- Location:315 Bingham Way, 40202
- Location Description:south side right door
bike rack – Waterfront Park
- Artist:Mary Dennis Kannapell
- Site:Waterfront Park
- Medium:terrazzo mosaic, & metal
- Location:1101 E. River Rd.
bike rack – Fleur de Lis
- Artist:Brian K. Holden
- Site:Fleur-de-Lis on Main
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:324 E. Main St.
bike rack – Waterfront Development Corp.
- Artist:David Caudill
- Site:Waterfront Park
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:129 E. River Rd.
bike rack – Weissinger-Gaulbert
- Artist:Sherman Blankenship
- Site:Weissinger Gaulbert Apartments
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:Third & Broadway (SE corner)
bike rack – Glassworks Lofts
- Artist:Caren Cunningham
- Site:Louisville Glassworks Lofts
- Medium:limestone
- Location:815 W. Market St.
bike rack – Arts & Commerce
- Artist:Addie Langford
- Site:Speer Arts & Commerce Building
- Medium:limestone, terra cotta, & stainless steel
- Location:315 W. Market St.
bike rack – 1st & Main Garage
- Artist:Matt Weir
- Site:First & Main Garage
- Medium:limestone bench
- Location:100 E. Main St.
bike rack – Cathedral School Court
- Artist:Frances Kratzok
- Site:Cathedral School Court
- Medium:brick, limestone, & copper
- Location:433 S. Fifth St.
bike rack – Louisville Water Co.
- Artist:Laura Mentor
- Site:Louisville Water Co.
- Medium:galvanized steel & hand-painted glass
- Location:550 S. Third St.
Play Lady
- Artist:Wyatt Gragg
- Site:W.L. Lyons Brown Theatre
- Medium:bronze
- Location:307 W. Broadway
The Flow
- Artist:Brandon Harder
- Site:McDonald's Restaurant
- Medium:rubber & stainless steel
- Location:207 W. Broadway
Standing Supported
- Artist:Samantha Griffith
- Site:Francis Parker School
- Medium:painted steel
- Location:233 W. Broadway
East Meets West
- Artist:Mary Dennis Kannapell
- Site:Waterfront Park
- Medium:terrazzo, mosaic, & metal
- Location:1113 E. River Rd.
bike rack – Kentucky Center
- Artist:Craig Kaviar
- Site:Kentucky Center
- Medium:bronze
- Location:Sixth & Main (NE corner)
Red Horse
- Artist:Samantha Griffith
- Site:Waterfront Plaza
- Medium:painted steel
- Location:325 W. Main St.
bike rack – Clock Tower
- Artist:Bates Fisher-Webster
- Site:Clock Tower Building
- Medium:carbon steel
- Location:123 E. Main St.
The Jump
- Artist:Raymond Graf
- Site:Waterfront Park Place
- Medium:stainless steel & chrome-coated bronze
- Location:Floyd & Witherspoon (SW corner)
- Artist:Jen Pellerin
- Site:The Carlysle
- Medium:painted steel
- Location:201 E. Main St.
bike rack – Louisville Ballet
- Artist:Bates Fisher-Webster
- Site:Louisville Ballet
- Medium:carbon steel
- Location:315 E. Main St.
bike rack – Louisville Slugger Field
- Artist:Laura Mentor
- Site:Louisville Slugger Field
- Medium:galvanized steel & stained cast glass
- Location:Preston & Witherspoon (SE corner)
bike rack – 600 West Main
- Artist:David Caudill
- Site:600 West Main
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:600 W. Main St.
bike rack – PNC Tower
- Artist:Russell S. Mills
- Site:PNC Tower
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:101 S. Fifth St.
Screen Saver
- Artist:Bryan K. Holden
- Site:Fleur-de-Lis on Main
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:324 E. Main St.
bike rack – Hall of Justice
- Artist:Brad White
- Site:Louis Brandeis Hall of Justice
- Medium:bronze & stainless steel
- Location:Sixth & Jefferson (SW corner)
bike rack – Jefferson Square
- Artist:Bryan K. Holden
- Site:Jefferson Square
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:Sixth & Jefferson (SE corner)
bike rack – Meidinger Tower
- Artist:David Bibelhauser
- Site:Meidinger Tower
- Medium:cast concrete & stainless steel
- Location:462 S. Fourth St.
bike rack – Brown & Williamson Tower
- Artist:Isaac Duncan
- Site:Brown & Williamson Tower
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:401 S. Fourth St.
bench – Hilton Garden Inn
- Artist:Mike Ratterman
- Site:Hilton Garden Inn
- Medium:limestone
- Location:603 S. Fourth St.
Beginning of Human Nature
- Artist:Bryan K. Holden
- Site:ScionHealth Plaza
- Medium:stainless steel
- Location:658 South 4th Street, 40202
Up Up Upcycle
- Artist:Scott Scarboro
- Site:ScionHealth Plaza
- Medium:found objects - bikes
- Location:445 W. Broadway (NW corner)
bike rack – Chestnut Centre
- Artist:Raymond Graf
- Site:Chestnut Centre
- Medium:bronze & stainless steel
- Location:600 S. Fourth St. (SW corner)
Local artists are invited to submit images for this project. Each artist has the opportunity to submit up to 10 images. If you are interested in learning more or participating in the Alley Gallery Program, please read and complete the Alley Gallery Call For Art.


Starks Building Public Art
As an extension of the Alley Gallery Program, the Starks Building at the corner of 4th and Muhammad Ali in Downtown Louisville have been transformed to feature photography and art pieces. The temporary art installation further beautifies this important corner with local art while buildings await redevelopment opportunities.
Eighteen Louisvillian artists were selected to be showcased with the project sponsored by Louisville Tourism.